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Text-Book: Ελληνικά Α, Εκδόσεις Πατάκη

This course is designed to give beginners in modern Greek a good basic introduction to the language and at the same time a chance to learn about Greece, the way of life and the customs of the Greek people. It will help you develop the ability to speak Greek, to understand spoken Greek and to be able to extract information from written texts.

The Beginner course is divided into three parts 1, 2, 3.


1. The first part introduces you to the language and alphabet and covers basic Greek to enable you to deal confidently with everyday situations.

  • Greek alphabet

  • Greeting people

  • Ordering drinks

  • Ordering a meal

  • Asking the way

  • Meeting people

  • Shopping


2. The second part supports you to become able to conduct simple conversations with the Greek people you meet about daily life, work, your home and family, and to express your plans


  • Transport and time

  • Making travel arrangements

  • Home and family

  • Hobbies and interests

  • Making plans

  • Saying what do you want


3. The third part develops your ability to discuss what you have been doing in the recent past. You will also develop your understanding of spoken Greek.

  • Wishing on different occasions

  • Talking about the past

  • Expressing an opinion

  • What do you like and what you have to do

  • Talking about what you can do

  • Landmarks in Modern Greek History

By the end of the course, you will have acquired a sound basic knowledge of the Greek language.



Text-Book: Ελληνικά Α, Εκδόσεις Πατάκη

To complete the Improvers level and proceed to the next one, students need to study Beginners 1, 2, 3. The aim of the course is to enable students to become meliorate users of the language who deal in a well-organised and competent way with everyday communication situations of prompt personal relevance. You will be able to use a series of sentences and phrases, to extract specific, simple, and predictable information from everyday material, to interact successfully in routine tasks.

Our course is divided into three parts 1, 2, 3 during the school year.


1. Τhe first part includes topics such as:

  • Communication of personal information

  • Marital status

  • Occupation

  • Language

  • Nationality

  • Numbers 100-1000.


2. The second part includes topics such as:

  • means of transport

  • orientation and giving directions

  • describing a typical and a special day,

  • weather

  • invitations

  • Numbers 1000-10.000


3. Τhe third part includes topics such as:

  • Buying daily necessities things (I would like… How much? your change, your receipt),

  • Buying clothes, shoes, and devices

  • Colours and descriptions

  • I like it, it suits me, it fits me,

  • Describing my house

By the end of the course, you will be able to use the Greek language and perform the language functions described in everyday communication situations confidently.


Text-book: Ελληνικά Α, Εκδόσεις Πατάκη

This course is designed to enable students to become independent users of the language who deal effectively and accurately with familiar communication situations or situations of personal interest.

Our course is divided into three parts 1, 2, 3 during the school year.


1. The first part includes topics such as:

  • Looking for home and tenancy

  • Age and dates

  • Narrating a journey

  • Describing personal experiences

  • Talking about one’s life

  • Wishes


2. The second part includes topics such as

  • Plans

  • In a tavern: ordering food and toasts

  • Agree, Disagree, Prefer

  • Entertainment

  • Holiday, planning a vacation

  • Advertisements


3. The third part includes topics such as

  • Employment

  • Calling for an advertisement

  • At the doctor

  • Body parts, specialities of doctors, describing symptoms

  • Public services, bank, police, post office, council.

By the end of the course, you will be able to understand the main points of conversations, descriptions, and advertisements, and to interact fluently and spontaneously.

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